Extrême Expressions

Thursday, June 30, 2022
Cleveland Institute of Music

From wild to sublime and back again, this program is a study in contrasts and character. Centering the first half, Soper’s slyly profound work intertwines vocal and instrumental gymnastics, bookended by Debussy’s concise and colorful Cello Sonata and the gorgeously inventive Introduction and Allegro by Ravel. Franck’s powerful Piano Trio evokes French organ style with both delicate filigree and monumental explosions of sound.

6:30pm PRELUDE TALK by Dr. Owen Cantor

Claude Debussy
Cello Sonata
Kate Soper
Only the Words Themselves Mean What They Say
Maurice Ravel
Introduction and Allegro
César Franck
Piano Trio No. 1

Onstage POSTLUDE TALK with harpist Sivan Magen and Rabbi Roger Klein following the performance (sponsored by Cleveland Israel Arts Connection)

Program Notes

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